5 Tips to Sparking a Sales Prospect's Interest
Wouldn't it be great if all of the people you contacted were interested in the product/service you sell? Sadly, most aren't interested in your product/service let alone talking to you. That's why you need to peak their curiosity to spark their interest.
1. Sell the person they could be
Selling the future person your prospect could be with your product/service is a great way to get their interest. Sell them on the new and improved version of themselves once they've used your product. Ask them yes and no questions to get them involved and thinking.
For example, if I'm selling a YGMA campaign to a prospect, I'd say something like this "Imagine getting a 100% open rate. Imagine getting your audiences attention and interested in your product/service with a simple campaign. Would this be something you're interested in?" Everyone wants to be a better version of themselves, so sell it to them.
2. Be passionate about your product!
Many salespeople try to undermine their product and stay cool about it in fear of turning off their prospect. Don't do this! People will only get excited about your product if you are passionate about it. But don't just say your product is the best, back it up. Show passion with every piece of information you offer to back up why your product is the best in its field. Show excitement and they will too. Offer your favorite feature of your product and why. Sell it how you would want someone else to sell it to you.
3. Make them curious
At this point you've sold them with the future version of themselves and how passionate you are about your product. Now it's time to make them curious. When you're setting up a future call/meeting, end it with an open ended question/statement such as "remind me to show you something in our next meeting" or "can you bring me your revenue statements for next meeting?" Leaving it on this note will keep them wondering what you're going to talk about for next meeting.
4. Get them to relate with similar successes
Use similar companies to theirs to highlight the success that they could have with your product. This will hit them on a more personal level since they'll want the same success. If you have a past success that's in the same industry, mention that to them. They'll be more interested because a competitor has had success with your product.
5. Become a student to your prospect
Learn about your prospects business. Ask them about their industry, trends, what they're doing to stay ahead, and even why they got into that industry. If you show interest in your prospect's business, they'll feel important and respected. This will earn their trust. Everyone likes to talk about themselves, all you have to do is ask them to.
Want to get your prospect interest 100% of the time? Start a campaign now.
100% Open Rate. 100% Awesome.
You Got My Attention (YGMA) is a direct mail provider that offers a unique advantage: a 100% Open Rate. Our signature box has been proven to get a 100% Open Rate while our stuffed animal approach creates a memorable experience. Customers are able to customize their box with their own message and marketing materials inside the box as well as a URL to direct traffic to a specific webpage. Campaigns are simple and quick to set up.