Avoid These Mistakes so You Don't Send Spam

Avoid These Mistakes so You Don't Send Spam

I think everyone has a personal email inbox that has thousands of unread emails trying to sell them something, offering free trials, or just trying to steal information from them. And if not that, they all get the weekly mailers that quickly get thrown away. We all are always getting spam. But what is spam? It's anything that is sent to us that we don't find relevant, useful, or informative.

Avoid these mistakes when creating an email or direct mail list so you know you're not being spammy: 

  • Cookie Cutting: Sending the same email, postcard, pamphlet, etc. to thousands of people won't get you very far. Try to personalize all of your marketing material. Segment your audience down by similarities they share to offer a more personal and custom marketing experience. Not only is it a lot more interesting to read, but it'll show that you took the time to add value for your audience. 
  • Too Many Touch Points, Too Soon: Have you ever tried to apply for health insurance and a day later get bombarded with phone calls of people trying to sell you on their "special" healthcare packages? The biggest turn off for any prospect is getting hit with a lot of calls, emails, and ads. Make sure when setting up your campaign, you're asking yourself "would I be annoyed if I were part of this campaign?"
  • Talking Too Much About Yourself: I hate to say it, but no one cares about the product/service that you offer. What they really care about is the solution it offers them. When first introducing yourself to a new prospect, highlight the problems they might have and how you can help. Don't talk about your company history, the features of your product, or anything that is centered around your brand. Focus on the customer and show you care. Solutions sell, not products/services.
  • Skipping Awareness and Going Straight to Commitment: The customer journey is called a journey for a reason. Your audience has to go through the top of the funnel to get to the bottom and it's your job to make sure they do so. When creating an audience list, make sure they've gone through the awareness stage first and know who you are. Many brands skip this stage and end up creating spam.

It's always best practice when creating touch points with your audience to keep their needs and wants in mind. Make sure you're message is relevant, helpful, and is easily understandable. 

Ready to create a unique campaign that's not spam? Start here.


100% Open Rate. 100% Awesome.

You Got My Attention (YGMA) is a direct mail provider that offers a unique advantage: a 100% Open Rate. Our signature box has been proven to get a 100% Open Rate while our stuffed animal approach creates a memorable experience. Customers are able to customize their box with their own message and marketing materials inside the box as well as a URL to direct traffic to a specific webpage. Campaigns are simple and quick to set up.

Learn more about starting a YGMA campaign.

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